Sunday, November 23, 2008

I haven't made cards in what feels like a million years. I still don't particulary feel like it but these 5 are going to a silent auction to be packaged with other creations from some creative women to raise some money for a good cause. (Please note...lately I have had this serious addiction to all things glittery.)

The weekend flew by:

-Took little mister to open ice skating
-Finished Wally Lamb's new book, "The Hour I First Believed". (Still like, "She's Come Undone" the best Mr. Lamb, if you check blogland for opinions.)


Little Miss has very recently been granted her driver's permit. For the past three days, I have been demoted to back seat passenger. (She tells me, I'm a back seat driver. My reply is that I would like all of us to at least see our next birthdays.) So while Big Mister sits in front and coaches little miss, I sit in the back seat and recite novenas until we arrive at our destination. (Boy, it really is scary.)

During a Hail Mary this evening, the verse for the red card came to me. "Sometimes not getting what we want is exactly what we need." You don't say?

The Market has 3 more dates coming up very soon..have a few projects I'll share once the long weekend sets in. Looking forward to Thanksgiving...good food, no pressure and a Friday that is free.

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