Sunday, September 7, 2008

Write Now.

Yes, still manufacturing.....
Since it is now 10:19 on a Sunday, I have exactly 11 minutes until my internal "stay on schedule" voice starts to tell me I need to get my ass in bed. Monday and I don't get along (and we abhor each other if I stay up too late on Sundays. Which always happens.)
Someday, I hope to reconcile with Mr. First Day of the Week but as of yet, we have an unspoken agreement to just deal with each other.
So, I'll make this snappy. To the left, are today's creation. Fabric covered journals. I want to keep them all for myself, (and maybe I'll get to.) As a bonus, I have created a little journal prompt book to go along with these. Sometimes, I'm extremely uninspired and could use the spark to get the juices flowing.
I came up with 29, the 30th one I stole from my dear friend, Oprah. The Gratitude Journal.
So, since I can't use one of these-here are the 10 things I'm grateful for today.
1. My husband's wool socks.
2. Rainy days.
3. The smell of supper simmering all day with the knowledge that I actually planned and executed a healthy meal. (We had beef stew.)
4. 2 crossword puzzles in the Sunday paper-an easy and a difficult
5. The smell of laundry tumbling in the dryer.
6. Naps.
7. Amos Lee, Michael Buble, and Billy Joel
8. Homework completion with no fights
9. Google
10. Picture day outfits picked out the night before.
I'm 6 minutes past my bedtime...Monday, please be nice.

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